Frequently Asked Questions

What are Web Components?

Web Components are a set of W3C-standard APIs that enable developers to create custom HTML tags that encapsulate markup, style, and behavior in a framework-agnostic fashion.

Which Browsers are Supported?

HelixUI is built to be compatible with the following browsers:

Visit the Polyfills guide for more details about browser compatibility.

Which Frameworks are Supported?

HelixUI is built on W3C-standard APIs, so compatibility with client-side frameworks should be pretty good. However, HelixUI is built to ensure maximum compatibility with the following client-side frameworks:

Can I install HelixUI if I don't use NPM?

While NPM is the preferred strategy, there are alternative means to consume HelixUI.

Please explore alternative installation methods below.

Download UNPKG

Download ready-to-use assets that can be dropped into any HTML project.

The same assets mentioned in the Getting Started guide are also available in the download.

UNPKG is a great way to experiment with HelixUI. You can browse available assets at

UNPKG is not recommended for use in a production environment.

Why are there so many JavaScript files?

In the dist/js/ directory of the helix-ui NPM package, you'll find several different JavaScript assets. Here is an overview of their intended use and how they differ.

Development Production
UMD for Legacy Browsers
ECMAScript 5 / ES5
helix-ui.js helix-ui.min.js
CommonJS for Legacy Bundlers
ECMAScript 5 / ES5
ESM for Modern Bundlers
ECMAScript 2015+ / ES6+
ESM for Modern Browsers
ECMAScript 2015+ / ES6+
helix-ui.module.js helix-ui.module.min.js

UMD for Legacy Browsers

<!-- ignored by modern browsers -->
<script nomodule src="path/to/helix-ui[.min].js"></script>

CommonJS for Legacy Bundlers

  • ECMAScript 5 / ES5 Syntax
  • pkg.main
  • Intended for use with legacy bundlers like browserify and webpack v1.
var HelixUI = require('helix-ui');

// ...

ESM for Modern Bundlers

  • ECMAScript 5 / ES5 Syntax
  • pkg.module
  • Intended for use with modern bundlers like webpack v2+ or Rollup.
import HelixUI from 'helix-ui';

// ...

ESM for Modern Browsers

  • ECMAScript 2015+ / ES6+ Syntax
  • Intended to be used by modern browsers that support ES Modules.
<!-- ignored by legacy browsers -->
<script type="module" src="path/to/helix-ui.module[.min].js"></script>